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Smart e-stick for visually imapired using ML and Android App

  • It is an IoT based project for the aid of the visually impaired having a microcontroller driven automated hardware module and a voice controlled software module.

  • The software module is in the form of a voice controlled android application providing facilities like GPS navigation, live location tracking, automated call and messaging as well as stick tracking.

  • The hardware module (mounted on the stick) uses convolutional neural network for obstacle detection and Optical Character Recognition for text extraction and generates output in the form of voice commands.

  • The two modules are connected using firebase interface.


Instant Recipe Maker

  • It is an android application which allows users to search recipes according to the base ingredients available at home rather than the old technique of searching them using their title.

  • This provides an easy and optimal way for all the homemakers to decide upon what to cook. All the registered users can also add their own recipes to the application.

  • This project uses firebase as the database for storing the large recipe data on the cloud.


Motion, Face and Object Detection using openCV and S3 buckets

  • Real time video was recorded using the web camera. The video contents were analysed using haar cascading and open CV.

  • A rectangular box was generated for detecting face, a few predefined objects and also any kind of motion.

  • The data related to the features used for detection was stored using Amazon S3.

  • S3 Buckets and access keys were generated to store and extract the JSON files using which the haar cascading was performed.

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Invisibility Cloak using openCV

  • Used openCV for color detetion and segmentation to create this magical effect of invisibility.

  • The basic principle is to use a single-colored cloth as the cloak and replace the cloak pixels with the pixels in the background by detecting the consistent color of the cloak.

  • The background should be scanned for a small period before creating the invisibility effect to extract the pixels and then segment them in place of the cloak pixels.

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